Why I Like Cats

Amelia Palmer Dusenbury
3 min readMar 7, 2019

I happen to love cats. No, I don’t wear slippers when venturing outside of the house. Yes, I do shower on a regular basis. And my hoarding is under control. Despite my lack of alignment with the crazy cat lady stereotype, I have a great appreciation for felines.


Cats are very independent creatures. They don’t beg for your attention and they use a litter box. So, they don’t need to rely on humans to let them in and out when nature calls.

Socially Awkward

As a human, I can be socially awkward and cats are just socially awkward in general. They headbutt you to show their appreciation and they bring you small dead animals to convey their love. If you happen to piss them off they will hiss, as a human hissing happens to be socially unacceptable. And when cats are happy and content they will purr, also don’t try that in public.


Why is the toilet paper unrolled and all over the bathroom? Fluffy. Cats find the need to always keep you on your toes. If there is a glass of water on the counter, it won’t stay there for long. Kitty will attend to the thirsty floor. Or if there is anything on the table it will find its new home on the floor. Your stack of important papers sitting on the desk, the cat will guard them with his body.

Cardboard Boxes

Cats understand the importance of a cardboard box. They enjoy the simple things in life. A common saying goes, “Cats take the shape of their cardboard box container. I also find myself feeling the desire to crawl into cardboard boxes and just be cozy in my own special area enjoying being surrounded by dead trees.

They like a Challenge

If there is a small hole in the wall, a cat will try and squeeze their entire body through with no other reason than proving to themselves they can. They assign themselves impossible tasks like capturing the light at the end of a laser pointer or meeting their friend, who looks just like them on the other side of the mirror.


Cats love heights. They are known for getting stuck in trees (soliciting the fire department, which is a whole other blessing), climbing furniture, jumping high, and landing on their feet. I guess they like the birds eye view to supervise us humans.

Lastly Napping

Catnap is a term their sleeping powers are responsible for creating. Now as a human if only we had time to practice catnaps more frequently.

